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Quick tips about Koh Rong Island.

Although Koh Rong has a rustic charm, it has limited infrastructure. Electricity is mainly produced by generators, and internet access may be slower than in more urbanized areas. However, this adds to the relaxed atmosphere of the island, allowing visitors to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Before coming to the island, do not forget that this island is still a developing island and that supply, infrastructure and many services are lacking or functioning slowly. You should know that the islanders and operators are doing their best under these extreme conditions to make you happy.

Reaching Koh Rong Island involves a combination of land and sea travel. Here are the general steps to reach Koh Rong:

1. Get to Sihanoukville:

Start by traveling to Sihanoukville, a coastal city in Cambodia. You can reach Sihanoukville by bus, minivan, or taxi from major cities like Phnom Penh or Siem Reap.

2. Travel to the Ferry Terminal:

From Sihanoukville, head to one of the ferry terminals that provide services to Koh Rong. The main ferry terminals are located near the Serendipity Beach and Ochheuteal Beach areas.

3. Choose a Ferry Service:

Several ferry companies operate services to Koh Rong. Common choices include Speed Ferry Cambodia, Buva Sea Cambodia, and GTVC Speed Boat Cambodia. Each has its own schedule and departure points, so check in advance for the most convenient option.

4. Select a Destination on Koh Rong:

Koh Rong has different piers and destinations. The main pier is in Koh Toch Village, but there are other beaches like Sok San Beach and Coconut Beach. Choose the destination that aligns with your accommodation or preferred area.

5. Enjoy the Ferry Ride:

Board the ferry and enjoy the scenic ride to Koh Rong. The journey usually takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the ferry and the specific destination on the island.


Check Schedules: Ferry schedules may vary, so it's advisable to check the departure times and availability in advance, especially during peak seasons.

Weather Considerations: Sea conditions can affect ferry services, so be mindful of the weather, especially during the monsoon season.

Book Accommodation: It's a good idea to book your accommodation on Koh Rong in advance, especially if you're visiting during busy periods.

Arrival in the Evening: If you're arriving later in the day, consider staying a night in Sihanoukville and catching an early morning ferry the next day.

Remember that transportation details may change, so it's recommended to check for the latest information and confirm schedules before planning your trip to Koh Rong.

No ATM on the island.

There are no ATMs on the island due to lack of infrastructure such as electricity and internet. Additionally, many businesses only accept cash payments. Although there are some cash withdrawal points, the fees vary between 7% and 10%. For this reason, do not forget to take enough cash with you when coming to the island. You can access ATMs at the pier where you will depart from Sihanoukville.

Internet Connection.

Internet on the island is provided with a limited infrastructure. For this reason, do not forget to carry a Cambodian sim card with you. Another point is that the signal strength of different brands is strong in every part of the island. For this reason, do not forget to get a SIM card recommendation from your accommodation facility before arriving on the island. We recommend "Smart Card" for our guests who will stay at Roomy guest house.


Since electricity service is still provided by generators in many parts of the island, there may be outages during the day. Most of the facilities do not have individual generators due to protecting nature, preventing noise and the weak supply chain. For this reason, do not forget to bring a "powerbank" with you.

Protection Sprays.

The untouched, virgin nature of the island brings with it some problems along with peace. "SandFly" or Mosquito cases are periodically encountered on the island's quiet beaches. For this reason, if you intend to go to quiet and remote beaches, do not forget to carry a protective spray with you.

High and Low Season.

High and Low Seasons on Koh Rong Island

High Season: November to April

1. Weather:

  • The high season on Koh Rong corresponds with the dry season in Cambodia. Visitors can expect clear skies, minimal rainfall, and pleasant temperatures. The weather is generally sunny, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and beach excursions.

2. Sea Conditions:

  • The sea is usually calm during the high season, providing optimal conditions for water activities such as snorkeling, diving, and boat trips. Visibility for underwater activities is at its best during this period.

3. Tourist Influx:

  • High season attracts a larger number of tourists, both domestic and international. Popular beaches and accommodations may experience higher demand, and advance bookings are advisable.

4. Festivities:

  • Holidays and festivals, such as Christmas and New Year's, are celebrated with events and parties on the island. This contributes to a lively and festive atmosphere.

Low Season: May to October

1. Weather:

  • The low season coincides with the wet season in Cambodia. Expect higher humidity, occasional heavy rainfall, and thunderstorms. The weather can be unpredictable, with intermittent sunny periods.

2. Sea Conditions:

  • Sea conditions can be rougher during the low season, and boat services may occasionally be disrupted due to weather conditions. Diving and snorkeling activities may be affected by reduced visibility.

3. Quieter Atmosphere:

  • The number of tourists decreases significantly during the low season, resulting in a quieter and more laid-back atmosphere on the island. Travelers seeking solitude and tranquility may find this period appealing.

4. Accommodation Deals:

  • Many accommodations offer lower rates and promotions during the low season to attract visitors. This can be an excellent time for budget-conscious travelers to explore the island.

5. Vegetation and Nature:

  • The lush landscape of Koh Rong is at its peak during the low season. The rain nourishes the greenery, and nature enthusiasts may appreciate the vibrant flora and the island's natural beauty.


  • Check Ferry Schedules: Ferry schedules may be subject to changes during the low season, so it's advisable to check for updates and plan accordingly.

  • Pack Accordingly: Bring waterproof gear and be prepared for occasional rain showers.

  • Verify Accommodation Status: Confirm the status of accommodations, as some may close or undergo maintenance during the low season.

Whether you prefer the lively ambiance of high season or the serenity of low season, Koh Rong offers a unique experience year-round. Consider your preferences and priorities when planning your visit to this enchanting island.

Flora & Fauna


  1. Tropical Rainforest:

  • Koh Rong is covered with lush tropical rainforests, creating a vibrant green canopy. The island's interior is characterized by dense vegetation, including various species of trees, palms, and tropical plants.

  1. Mangrove Forests:

  • Mangrove forests thrive along the coastline and in certain areas of Koh Rong. These ecosystems are vital for the island's biodiversity, providing breeding grounds for marine life and protecting the shoreline.

  1. Endemic Plant Species:

  • While Koh Rong is primarily covered in common Southeast Asian flora, there may be some endemic plant species yet to be fully documented. The island's diverse ecosystems contribute to its rich botanical landscape.


  1. Marine Life:

  • The waters surrounding Koh Rong are teeming with diverse marine life. Snorkelers and divers may encounter colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, sea turtles, and other marine species. The vibrant underwater world is a highlight for nature enthusiasts.

  1. Land Creatures:

  • Koh Rong is home to a variety of land creatures, including small mammals, reptiles, and insects. You might spot species such as monkeys, lizards, and geckos as you explore the island's trails and jungles.

  1. Birdlife:

  • The island is a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous avian species inhabiting its forests. Keep an eye out for tropical birds like hornbills, kingfishers, and various songbirds.

  1. Marine Invertebrates:

  • Koh Rong's waters host a diverse array of marine invertebrates, including various species of crustaceans, mollusks, and sea anemones. Exploring the tidal zones can reveal fascinating tide pool ecosystems.

  1. Endangered Species:

  • Conservation efforts on Koh Rong aim to protect endangered species, such as the Sunda pangolin and the silvered langur monkey. Conservation initiatives work to preserve the delicate balance of the island's ecosystems.

Conservation Efforts:

  • Various organizations and local initiatives are dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of Koh Rong. Conservation efforts focus on sustainable tourism, protection of endangered species, and maintaining the health of coral reefs and mangrove ecosystems.

Nature Activities:

  • Guided jungle treks and eco-friendly tours provide opportunities to observe and learn about the island's flora and fauna. Visitors can gain insights into the delicate balance of Koh Rong's ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts.

As Koh Rong continues to draw nature enthusiasts and eco-conscious travelers, the island's rich biodiversity remains a captivating aspect of its allure. Whether exploring the vibrant coral reefs, trekking through dense jungles, or simply enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, Koh Rong offers a unique and immersive experience for those seeking to connect with the natural world.


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Quick Tips for an Unforgettable Experience on Koh Rong Island:

Island Essentials:

Pack essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, a hat, and comfortable walking shoes. Koh Rong has a tropical climate, and these items will ensure you're prepared for sun, sand, and exploration.

Cash is King:

Many places on the island may not accept credit cards, so it's advisable to carry enough cash for your stay. There is no ATMs in Koh Rong Island.

Ferry Reservations:

During high season, consider booking ferry tickets in advance, especially if you have a preferred departure time or are traveling with a larger group.

Accommodation Booking:

Koh Rong can get busy, particularly during peak seasons. Secure your accommodation in advance to ensure you have the desired options and to avoid last-minute hassles.

Respect Local Culture:

Embrace the local customs and respect the island's culture. Cambodia is known for its hospitality, and understanding and appreciating local traditions will enhance your experience.

Stay Hydrated:

The tropical climate can be dehydrating. Keep a water bottle with you and stay hydrated, especially if you're engaging in outdoor activities.

Explore Beyond the Main Village:

While Koh Rong Village is the primary hub, venture beyond to discover hidden beaches and serene spots. Renting a scooter or joining a guided tour can lead you to less-explored areas.

Protect the Environment:

Koh Rong is a pristine destination, and responsible tourism is crucial. Dispose of waste properly, choose eco-friendly activities, and support businesses with sustainable practices.

Check Ferry Schedules and Weather:

Ferry schedules can be subject to changes, so check for updates before planning your departure or return. Additionally, keep an eye on the weather, especially during the monsoon season.

Enjoy the Nightlife:

Experience the vibrant nightlife, especially during events like the "Nestival" beach parties. Koh Rong offers a lively atmosphere after the sun sets, with beach bars and social gatherings.

Connect with Locals:

Engage with the local community; Cambodians are known for their friendliness. Learning a few basic Khmer phrases can go a long way in enhancing your interactions.

Safety First:

Prioritize safety, especially when engaging in water activities or exploring the island. Wear appropriate gear, follow instructions from guides, and be aware of your surroundings.

Koh Rong's natural beauty and laid-back atmosphere make it a fantastic destination, and these quick tips will help ensure you make the most of your time on this enchanting island.

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